by Walter Becker

I saw the best musicians of my generation 

   - okay, maybe not the best but plenty good believe         


splattering their illegible scrawls on the fatal last   


     of criminally exploitative record contracts, 

     beneath the gaze of predatory mobbed-up  


regarding with displeasure the sheepish grin 

      of their own helpless attorney 

who deserted their beloved new york metropolitan     


      and tried their luck on the coast 

      where they couldn't even get a decent slice of  


who slunked off with their paltry advances 

      into the alien streets of west l.a. 

      or back to their oppressive little cell 

      with its vile rmi piano 

who pounded away at painfully arch pop ditties 

      thick with already antiquated jazz chords 

who forced hirsute bar-band players to learn the


      as if they actually like this kind of stuff 

      then into the sad studio 

      for a mighty ten week flogging 

who emerged triumphant, flawless mixes in hand

      only to discover that it was all for nothing 

      unless they would drag themselves 

      from the twin cities to dixie and back 

      performing in malodorous gyms for intoxicated  

      teenage boys

      yelling "boogie, boogie, we want to boogie!" 

who risked life and limb in toxic all-night diners 

      spitting takeout meat and milkshake 

      on the walls of overlit elevators, 

who sucked on thin crumpled joints of cheap

       mexican pot

       sharing with stale groupies their perfunctory  


who humbled themselves in the arenas and outdoor


       opening for heavyweights like elton and sha-na-


       trapped in dressing rooms with alcoholic brits 

       and scary blues bands from texas 

who embarrassed their species in airports and motels 

       annoying overworked stewardesses of a certain


       abusing the good will of sleepy bell boys 

who straggled back to l.a. with busted equipment 

       only to transmit the clap to their poor girlfriends 

who belatedly discovered that touring was too


       and then sat in nate and al's 

       with their blue blazered booking agent 

       and their then manager and maybe someone else 

       discussing future shows paying in the low four


who saw themselves and former band-mates 

      each go on to something bigger and better 

      the doobie brothers, boz scaggs, a season in hell, 

      the computer business, yuppie manhattan, 

      hawaiian islands, the big roundup, and, you know,
